Teacher Training 2013 summer institute sponsored by NewIS August 4, 2013 2689 views NewIS is sponsoring Dr. Sandra Stone and two of the other faculty members of the Multiage Institute at Northern Arizona…
Teacher Training Reacting to the Past: a new pedagogy to Japan April 25, 2013 1390 views “Reacting to the Past” (RTTP) is an exciting educational approach that gets students engaged in learning in a way that…
Read more Teacher Training New International School’s summer institute on multiage learning March 13, 2013 1925 views New International School of Japan will be sponsoring a summer institute on professional development with Dr. Sandra J. Stone, Emilie…
Teacher Training NewIS February seminar on multi-age education February 19, 2013 1458 views This month’s New International School (NewIS) seminar will be held on February 13, from 9:15–11:15am. The topic is “The Multi-age…
New ProgramsOpen Days NewIS 2013 education seminar dates set December 15, 2012 1779 views New International School of Japan (NewIS) has its seminar series dates set for 2013, as follows: High School and College…
EventsStaff Public seminar at NewIS October 4, 2012 1746 views “Assessment is for Learning” is the topic of the next seminar scheduled for Friday, October 19, from 9:15–11:15am at New…
Teacher Training The Reggio Emilia approach at ASIJ’s ELC April 11, 2012 12620 views ASIJ’s Early Learning Center (ELC) primary educational philosophy uses the fundamentals of the Reggio Emilia approach to preschool learning. ASIJ…
Teacher Training New International School hosts conference for Japanese language teachers of international schools January 23, 2012 1388 views On November 12, New International School hosted an all-Japan conference for international school Japanese language teachers in Japan. The presenters…
Teacher Training TAIP’s words of thanks November 11, 2011 8423 views Tokyo Association of International Preschools (TAIP) would like to thank everyone for their participation in what was another successful annual…
Teacher Training Japanese language teachers’ conference at NewIS November 3, 2011 8854 views New International School will be hosting the third all-Japan conference for Japanese language teachers at international schools on November 12.…