Read more Back to SchoolSchool facilities Team-building at Aoba-Japan International School October 16, 2012 2464 views Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS) staff and faculty all chipped in to help beautify the new campus after the summer break.…
EventsStaff Public seminar at NewIS October 4, 2012 1746 views “Assessment is for Learning” is the topic of the next seminar scheduled for Friday, October 19, from 9:15–11:15am at New…
Staff New faces at Aoba-Japan International School for the 2012–13 school year September 28, 2012 2148 views Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS) is happy to announce that a large group of new faces is joining the staff for…
Read more Staff New kindergarten and elementary school principal at Aoba-Japan August 29, 2012 1854 views Karen O’Neill is an educator with over 30 years experience as an early and middle phase teacher, an administrator, and a…
Teacher Training The Reggio Emilia approach at ASIJ’s ELC April 11, 2012 12620 views ASIJ’s Early Learning Center (ELC) primary educational philosophy uses the fundamentals of the Reggio Emilia approach to preschool learning. ASIJ…
Teacher Training New International School hosts conference for Japanese language teachers of international schools January 23, 2012 1388 views On November 12, New International School hosted an all-Japan conference for international school Japanese language teachers in Japan. The presenters…
Teacher Training TAIP’s words of thanks November 11, 2011 8423 views Tokyo Association of International Preschools (TAIP) would like to thank everyone for their participation in what was another successful annual…
Teacher Training Japanese language teachers’ conference at NewIS November 3, 2011 8854 views New International School will be hosting the third all-Japan conference for Japanese language teachers at international schools on November 12.…
Teacher Training ASIJ loves to learn! September 19, 2011 1701 views Even before the first day of classes, learning had started at The American School in Japan. While Japanese students (including…
Teacher Training TAIP on supporting children in uncertain times April 5, 2011 1570 views Tokyo Association of International Preschools (TAIP) is organizing a 90–minute workshop entitled “Supporting our Children in Uncertain Times” on Saturday,…