Soup-making at Aoba-Japan International School

A-JIS preparing for Earth Day celebrations. A-JIS

On April 27, students at Aoba-Japan International School (A-JIS) learned a valuable lesson about community and sharing, and enjoyed a hearty bowl of soup. Each class brought in seasonal green vegetables to recreate the world famous Stone Soup to celebrate Earth Day.

Kindergarteners brought in carrots, thyme, and lentils. Elementary students brought in celery, asparagus, onions, garlic, spinach, potatoes, and Parmesan cheese. The Middle School brought in parsley, macaroni, and cabbage. The High School brought in kidney beans and potatoes. Many more vegetables were added to the stone soup.

Students and teachers learned that with whole school contribution and collaboration they were, as a community, able to create an amazing dish. Not only were their stomachs satisfied, but also everyone learned about fresh vegetables and the true spirit of community.

Starting this month, A-JIS will hold their summer school (June 18–July 12), at the Suginami campus from 8:45am–2:45pm. A-JIS summer classes aim to give students further opportunities to learn through discovery, in smaller classes than regular school sessions, usually with a maximum of ten students per class. School bus and lunch services are available. For more information see — ROYCE JACOBS

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