Summerhill’s Half Moon Class loves learning

Summerhill’s Half Moon Class on a recent walk around Arisugawa Park. SUMMERHILL INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL

In this modern age, while technological advances zoom past the older generations, it is vital to consider the fundamentals for education and progressive intelligence. Summerhill’s Half Moon classroom is dedicated to inspiring thought and creativity, with the collective goal being for the children to start to think on their own and enjoy the process of discovering new information about the world around them.

The class’s assistant teachers recently had a lot to say about their Half Moon students: “We show them love and give them the tools to succeed by teasing their curiosity and providing new challenges for them every day” — Mikey; “I love it when they ask me ‘why,’ because I like to throw their questions back at them and see what they come up with” — Sam; and “It’s simple — if it’s not fun, they’re not learning” — Reina.

Summerhill’s proven five-day, multi-activity routine emphasizes art, using a wide range of mediums including music, dramatic play, and social interaction to enhance children’s creativity, foster independence, and boost self-esteem. The children have a lot of fun learning and the teachers have just as much fun teaching — it does not feel like going to school in the conventional sense.

“My focus is love and mathematics … I use the children’s natural love for music and feed their curious minds with original songs that teach maths and phonics,” said Kristina, head of the Half Moon Class. “We realize that at this age the children are sponges, ready to know any and everything — we simply facilitate that need. In the end, my hope is that they walk away with great memories of their first time in a classroom and use that as their foundation for learning for life.”

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